Campaign for a New Protocol, Part III, 2018
Campaign for a New Protocol, Part III, 2018
April 2018—May 2018, Spazio Maiocchi, Milan, Italy

While his most enduring concern over the last decade has been with the dynamics of branding and the formation of patterns in commercial imagery, Timu Si-Qin's most recent series, “New Peace,” further develops this line of thought into a proposal for a new mysticism. Stemming from a rethinking of the anthropocene, the geological epoch starting with the Industrial Revolution during which humanity has begun to have a significant impact on the environment, New Peace rejects the old dualisms of nature vs. culture and spirit vs. matter, instead fostering a non-dual conception of reality. It is a new protocol to understanding one’s place in the vastness of time and space and a toolkit for building new myths and meanings for a world undergoing profound changes. A radically inclusive, secular faith of the real, forwarding a belief in the true infinite creativity of pattern, matter, and energy. In the exhibition “Campaign for a New Protocol” at Spazio Maiocchi, Si-Qin launches a drive to communicate a new sense of non dualistic and secular spirituality adapted for the future. Here, the natural and the synthetic coalesce beyond the dualities through digitally rendered landscapes of New Peace’s advertisements and in an immersive virtual reality experience. The exhibition, set to open to the public during Milan Design Week, will also take over the 3x6m billboard in the courtyard of Spazio Maiocchi, and will be accompanied by a book and exclusive limited-edition merchandise. Published by KALEIDOSCOPE, the book “A New Protocol” presents a collection of Si-Qin’s digitally rendered landscapes and elaborates on the conceptual foundations of New Peace in the evolution of religion, science and philosophy.

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